Monday, December 8, 2014

On The 8th Day Of Christmas... Jack Frost

Director: Michael Cooney
Writers: Michael Cooney, Jeremy Paige

Serial killer Jack Frost evaded authorities for years until he was finally caught by Sam Tiler, the sheriff of a sleepy little town called Snowmonton. When his prison transport truck collides with a tanker containing an acidic substance, Jack Frost's body dissolves and becomes one with the snow. Now a seemingly unstoppable maniacal snowman, he sets out to destroy the small town sheriff that caught him.

Jack Frost is stupid. The plot is dumb, most of the acting is atrocious, the effects are sub-par, and the dialogue is goofy and laughable. However most, if not all of these things, were intentional. Jack Frost was clearly intended to be a joke from the very beginning. That can be a risky move. So many movies try incredibly hard to be so bad they're good, but in the process most of them lose the charm that unintentionally bad movies have and will usually end up as a snickering, winking-at-the-camera atrocity (I'm looking at you, Scary Movie franchise). Jack Frost somehow manages to successfully walk that line. Although it's bad and it knows it's bad, the people involved play it straight enough that it manages to retain it's appeal and make you believe that someone actually put care and thought into the final product. The murderous Jack Frost almost instantly adapts to his strange new circumstances and gleefully uses them to suit his psychotic urges while spouting off one-liners that would make Freddy Kruger cringe. Jack Frost is tremendous fun and is a great movie to put on while enjoying some drinks with friends. Also of note is that this movie marks the feature film debut of American Pie's Shannon Elizabeth in one of the most hilariously ridiculous death scenes put to film. Jack Frost gets 3 out of 6 beers. Chilled.

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