Friday, October 17, 2014

October Horror Movie Challenge- Day 16

The Brain Machine (1977) was a bad choice. It was awful. Four volunteers are randomly selected to take place in an experiment involving mind-reading, but the machine goes haywire and bad things begin to happen. The worst thing to happen was that this movie didn't end sooner. 2 out of 12 beers.

Fatal Games (1984) has a lot of potential to be a great slasher flick, but unfortunately just doesn't follow through. The plot involves members of a high school olympic team, who are being trained to enter the regional competition, being killed off one by one by a javelin-wielding maniac. There are some decent kills that take advantage of the uniqueness of a javelin as a murder weapon and a delightfully bad synthesizer score, but the movie just has way too many lulls in action. On the upside, there are quite a few topless ladies and Linnea Quigley is apparently in the movie somewhere, even though I didn't spot her. Fatal Games gets a participation trophy and 5 1/2 beers.

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