Friday, October 3, 2014

October Horror Movie Challenge- Day 2

I started the second day before I even got out of bed by watching The Lamp (1986). The plot involves an ancient oil lamp that falls into the hands of a museum curator whose daughter accidentally unleashes the evil djinn inside. When the daughter and her friends decide to sneak into the museum after hours, the djinn viciously murders them one by one. This movie was awesome and had some pretty cool practical creature effects. This is exactly the kind of fun '80's horror movie that I loved growing up and it's surprising to me that I never saw it before now. 10 1/2 out of 12 beers.

I have a feeling that many people who call themselves fans of bigfoot movies, like me, are not so much fans of the movies themselves as we are fans of the idea that one day someone will make a really good one. The Legend Of Boggy Creek holds a special, nostalgic place in my heart and I doubt that any bigfoot movie I ever watch, no matter how good it is, will come close to it. But why, I ask, do there have to be so many completely awful bigfoot movies?

Boggy Creek (2010) is one of these completely awful bigfoot movies. The whole movie plays like a teen drama on the WB, complete with two-dimensional characters, a hip soundtrack, and melodramatic voice-overs. The scenes of bigfoot attacks are pretty decent, but also fairly sparse. I kind of liked the ending scene, but by that point it was too little too late and I was happy to get the movie over with. 1 1/2 out of 12 beers.


  1. The Lamp rocks. Also a much better title than it's aka of The Outing.

  2. Yeah, I've heard The Outing is almost a completely different movie in the way it's edited too.
