Saturday, November 1, 2014

October Horror Movie Challenge- Day 30

Day thirty began with Horns (2013), the story of Ig Parrish (Daniel Radcliffe) whose girlfriend turns up dead after he gets blackout drunk. The entire town blames Ig for her death, but he maintains that he is innocent. One morning he awakens to find horns growing out of his head and finds that they give him a strange power over people. He uses his new-found power to get to the bottom of his girlfriend's mysterious death. Horns is based on a book by Joe Hill (Stephen King's son) which I have never read, but am now curious to. The film seamlessly mixes laughs and thrills and was an all-around fun time. 10 out of 12 beers.

Next up was Screaming For Sanity: Truth Or Dare III (1998), the second sequel to the 1986 disasterpiece Truth Or Dare?- A Critical Madness. You have to give director Tim Ritter credit, he just keeps making Truth Or Dare movies even though he probably should have stopped at one. He's even working on Truth Or Dare 5, which unfortunately didn't get funded but will hopefully still get made. Truth Or Dare 3 focuses on Clive, the father of the baby that original Truth Or Dare Killer Mike Strauber ran over in the first movie. Clive takes the mantle of the Copper-Masked Killer to seek vengeance on people that are making money on his family's tragedy and it's up to Dr. Hess, the orderly that let Mike Strauber escape the first time, to stop him. Truth Or Dare 3 is not a good film by any means and it certainly can't stack up to the chaotic fun of the original, but it is imaginative. Truth Or Dare is the franchise no one asked for, but Tim Ritter is going to give it to you whether you want it or not, and I say good for him! 4 1/2 out of 12 beers.

I actually really enjoyed the first two V/H/S movies even though some of the segments fell a bit flat, so I was looking forward to checking out V/H/S: Viral (2014). With Viral, the V/H/S series has jumped the shark. The wraparound story makes absolutely no sense, is annoying to watch, and has little if anything to do with VHS tapes. Unfortunately, the rest of the movie is the same way. "Dante The Great" is okay, but the person making it either had no idea what a found-footage movie was or just didn't care as we are often treated to shaky scenes where there are obviously no cameras. "Parallel Monsters" is a decent effort, and "Bonestorm" (which I'm pretty sure is the name of a video game from The Simpsons) has a lot of cool effects but ultimately doesn't pay off. The fourth segment, "Gorgeous Vortex" was cut from the film for unknown reasons before it's release. Judging from the rest of the film, it's probably not too good. 2 out of 12 beers.

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