Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October Horror Movies Day 2

Rainy days are a great opportunity to sit around and watch horror movies, and I got some good viewing in today. First up was The Sleeping Car (1990). This oddball ghost story was sort of uneven. At times I was bored with it, yet at other times it was so odd I couldn't help but enjoy it. There's no doubt that the great Kevin McCarthy is the highlight of this one. Though it did get kind of cool towards the end. 6 1/2 out of 12 beers.

After The Sleeping Car I needed something a bit more action-packed, so I popped in Hobgoblins 2 (2009), hoping that would do the trick. I was wrong. Hobgoblins 2 is terrible, and not necessarily in a good way. Many people may be familiar with the first Hobgoblins through it's appearance on Mystery Science Theater 3000. It was a great episode and Hobgoblins was a fun Gremlins knock-off that was probably meant to be taken just a little bit seriously. Hobgoblins 2 is a prime example of what happens when somebody purposely sets out to make a terrible movie. Instead of being cheesy and fun, it just comes off as desperate and unfunny. I'll admit, there were a few moments that made me laugh, but mostly I just wanted it to be over. 3 1/2 out of 12 beers.

 After Hobgoblins 2 was Dead End Drive-In (1986). I wouldn't really consider Dead End Drive-In a horror movie, but dangit, I'm counting it as one because that cover is super misleading. I figured from the cover that I would be in for a typical 80's slasher, but in actuality this movie is your typical Australian post-apocalyptic action flick. The plot concerns two teenagers who go to a drive-in only to find out that it's actually a walled off community from which there is no escape. Despite being misled, I actually enjoyed this one a lot. The main characters are likable enough and there were enough car chases, gunfights, and explosions to keep me interested. 8 out of 12 beers.

Finally, I rounded out the day with Bloody Birthday (1981). This movie is another in a long line that proves that there's nothing scarier than cold, calculating, emotionless children. And these kids are stone cold killers! The whole astrology angle that explains why these children are the way they are is real dumb, but some genuinely brutal kills along with an often-naked Julie Brown made this 80's slasher well worth my time. Definitely a great way to end tonight's viewing! 9 1/2 out of 12 beers.

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