Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October Horror Movies Day 7

Day 7 began with a newer release. Though they are admittedly hit or miss, I do enjoy a good horror anthology film. And I cannot put into words how rabidly I love the classic medium of VHS tapes. In a day when most people have traded in those dusty old relics for shiny new DVDs or Blu-Rays, I still proudly display my (sadly, much smaller) VHS collection. So when I heard about V/H/S (2012), I was more than a little excited. First off, I would like to state that I am growing ever more weary of the "found footage" horror films that are being made in alarming quantities these days. That being said, V/H/S proved to me that there are still interesting things that can be done with this medium. It's surprising to me that I'm saying that, seeing as how I have so many gripes with the film. I felt that the wraparound story was a bit weak and some of the stories were a little anti-climactic. The segment by Ti West, whose film House Of The Devil I absolutely loved, was by far the weakest of the film. Also, the effects used to make the movie seem like an authentic VHS tape can be a little irritating at times. However, it is absolutely worth sticking around for the final piece by Radio Silence. It completely blew me away. 8 out of 12 beers.

The second film of the day was FDR: American Badass (2012). FDR is a film that obviously very badly wants to be Airplane or the Naked Gun movies, but just doesn't quite have the genius to pull it off. Don't get me wrong, it's not necessarily a bad movie. It's just that it's not nearly as funny as it thinks it is. Obviously inspired by Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, the premise of FDR has our titular hero taking head-on the werewolf menace that not only masterminded World War II, but caused his debilitating polio. If you've seen the director's other film Poolboy: Drowning Out The Fury, you'll pretty much know what to expect from this one. I won't deny that it had me laughing out loud at times at the absurdity of it all. If you've ever wanted to see Kevin Sorbo portray a pot-smoking Abe Lincoln, this is the film for you. 6 out of 12 beers.

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