Thursday, October 4, 2012

October Horror Movies Day 3

Day three started off with a movie that's been on my Netflix queue for a while, but I just never got around to watching. Lo (2009) concerns a young man named Justin who summons the demon Lo to rescue his true love from the depths of hell. It's clear from the small cast and lack of locations that this was a small-budgeted movie, however it pulls it off beautifully. The makeup effects are impressive and the story that unfolds is intriguing. The movie balances elements of horror and humor well without making either one feel forced. I actually found that this movie stuck with me for quite a while after it ended, and I certainly will be giving it another viewing again soon. Definitely check this one out if you get a chance. 10 1/2 out of 12 beers.

Next up was Sorority House Massacre (1986). This movie is your basic 'killer stalks house full of young girls' slasher with no real surprises or twists that you can't see coming from several dozen miles away. And that's exactly why I loved it. This movie transports me back to a time in my life when I would eagerly scour the wall of horror movies at my local mom and pop video store for horror movies that would fulfill my desire to be thoroughly creeped out, or at least see boobs. And then once I had picked a movie (or several movies) that I thought met the criteria, and after my parents had left for the evening, I would sit in my darkened house and bathe myself in the light of the television with a big bowl of popcorn at my side. I saw a lot of great horror movies that way, and also a lot of terrible ones, but I remember each of them intimately. So while Sorority House Massacre is not necessarily a great movie, even by slasher movie standards, it does warm my heart in the way only sleazy 80's killer-on-the-loose flicks can. 9 out of 12 beers.

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